Thursday, January 9, 2020

Ultimate and Fastest adfly Traffic bot. Earn $200 per day.

Hello guys, Today i am releasing my ultimate adfly traffic bot v3.0. With this bot, if you have nice internet connection, then you make about 200$ per day! Cool right?

If you wanna see my previous Version Click here.


  1. My previous version was using only 1 thread. This version uses multiple threads so a significant increase in the speed.
  2. My previous program had bugs like getting stopped working etc.. All got fixed here now.
  3. Improved performance. You can use this program smoothly now.

How to use the program.

  • Open the adflybot.exe.
    1. Enter the Url in then url entry.
    2. Add the proxies list. The link for getting free proxies is given below.
    3. Choose the proxy type. This application supports http and socks5 proxy.
    4. And finally click on Start. Wait it until the loading bar finishes.

    Common Reported Errors

    1. Chromedriver Executable not Found:  This error occurs when the chromedriver does not match with your current google chrome web browser. To fix this download Chromedriver based on the version of your current google chrome. Click here to download.
    2. Icon.ico Not found: This happens when you delete icon.ico file in the archive.


    1. Is this for 64 bit?
    Ans: It works both on 64bit and 32 bit. But for 32bit users need to download a new chromdriver, its link is given above.

    2. Why i don't get any earnings?
    Ans: Make sure that you have checked the proxies before running the program. It may be a result as the proxies may be dead or not working. You can check your proxies here. Adfly takes 1 - 2 hour to process the traffic, after few hours you can see a gradual increase in your earnings. So the main thing is that you have to patient.

    More Faqs will be given here soon.

    Links to get free proxies.

    1. Checkerproxy
    2. Openproxy
    3. Spys
    4. Gatherproxy
    Click on any of the links above, to go to the website.

    Download The File

    Click here to Download the file

    Steps To download The file

    1. Click on the link given above.
    2. Click continue till recieving "Get Link " option.
    3. Click "Get Link" and download the file.

    PS: My websites will be shown while running the program. These sites are related to the topics you may Like. You can review them if you want. Else you can Ignore them.

    If you feel like to donate. Then donate here.


    Monday, December 23, 2019

    Ultimate Adfly Traffic Bot. Earn $175 a day.

    Hello guys, Today i am releasing my ultimate adfly traffic bot. With this bot, if you have nice internet connection, then you make about 175$ per day! Cool right?

    So here is the pic of my application:

    How to use the program

    1. Open the adflybot.exe.
    2. Enter the Url in then url entry.
    3. Add the proxies list. The link for getting free proxies is given below.
    4. Choose the proxy type. This application supports http and socks5 proxy.
    5. And finally click on Start.

    Common Bugs or Errors

    1. Chromedriver Executable not Found:  This error occurs when the chromedriver does not match with your current google chrome web browser. To fix this download Chromedriver based on the version of your current google chrome. Click here to download.
    2. Adflybot.exe Stopped Working: After addding the proxies list , other all things are running through the console you can see there. If you want to stop the program click on the window of console and press CTRL+C twice. It will show keyboard interrupt. The app seems stopped working till the completion of giving traffic.
    More bugs or errors, will be displayed , AsAp after reporting

    Links to get free proxies.

    1. Checkerproxy
    2. Openproxy
    3. Spys
    4. Gatherproxy
    Click on any of the links above, to go to the website.

    Click Here To Download the Latest File

    Click on the above link, wait 2 -3 secs , click continue and wait 5 secs and click get link. Thats it.

    Older Versions

    Sunday, December 22, 2019

    Django admin app recreated.

    Hello Guys, thank you for visiting my blog. This project is just a replica of default admin app in django-frame work. Anyone can make one. The link of the source code can be found below.

    Django Admin App

    An admin page is basically a page that contains all the details stored in your data. Django provides us a default admin app. You can visit this app by going to . 

    You can be the superuser of the admin app by typing

    py createsuperuser

    Informations about my project.

    Extra-Modules Created:

    1 .

    Mod py conatins two functions getclass(), getmembers().


    This function is used to get the names of all the classes in . This function uses "inspect", which is used to get get the details of class. So by this i can get the names of the all classes. Here is the code of the function getclass.

    def getclass():
        p = inspect.getmembers(models,inspect.isclass)
        l = []
        for key, data in inspect.getmembers(models, inspect.isclass):
            print('{} : {!r}'.format(key,data))
            p1 ='{}'.format(key)
        return l


    This function works about same as getclass. What is the difference is that it used to get the members of the class. That is inside models we are creating some rows, and it will get the names of the members. Here is the code of the function getmembers().

    def getmembers(mclass):
        example = mclass
        members = [attr for attr in dir(example) if not callable(getattr(example, attr)) and not attr.startswith("_")]
        return members

    So these are the details of the extra created module

    Some Important Functions in Views:

    1. test(request).

    def test(request):
        p = getclass()
        return render(request, "admin.html", {"l":p})

    This function simple get the names of models using getclass(), function. And displays them by passing it through the dictionary of render.

    2. details()

    def details(requestdet):
        p = getclass()
        x = eval(det)
        print(x, type(x),"gfggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg")
        f = x.objects.all()
        return render(request, "adetails.html", {"l":p, "f":f, "g":det})

    This function is simply to get the details of data's stored in a model. det is variable that gets the model name through the run. I use the eval() function to convert the string into python expressions. and "f" gets the data's stored in it. And Finally it displays.

    3. Info()

    def info(requestdetid):
        va = {}
        y = id
        x = eval(det)
        f = x.objects.get(id = y)
        p = getclass()
        d = getmembers(x)
        k = x.objects.all().values()
        for ite in k:
            for ui,vi in ite.items():
                if ui == "id" and vi == int(y):
                    va = ite
        f = va
        mname = det
        return render(request, "ainfo.html", {"l":p, "g":d, "j":f, "i":y, "c":mname})

    This function simply shows the information of the clicked data. If you have any doubts regarding this, you can comment here. Just go through the code its easy to understand. If you don't get it i can help.

    4. adminadd()

    def adminadd(request,det):
        l = []
        if request.method == "POST":
            word = det + "("
            x = eval(det)
            fld = getmembers(x)
            for y in fld:
                if y == 'id' or y == 'pk' or y == 'objects' or y == 'user':
                    an = request.POST.get(y)
                    print(an, type(an),"+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++")         
                    word = word + y
                    word = word + "=" +'"' + an + '"' + ", "

            word = word + ")"   
            x = eval(word)

            return redirect(test)
            x = eval(det)
            fld = getmembers(x)
            p = getclass()
            usd = User.objects.all()
            return render(request, "adminadd.html", {"l":p, "g":fld, "c":det, "usr":usd})

    This function is to add data's to the database. What it is really doing is to get the values such as model name etc.. in the form of string and use eval function to convert it into python expression so simple.

    So these are some of the important functions to know.

    Please support me for my efforts:

    Download the source Code here :

    Friday, October 20, 2017

    Modern Combat 5 Android Hack Unlock Everything

    Modern Combat 5 Android Hack Unlock Everything Using Cheat Engine

    Things You need:

    1. PC with ADB installed. If you dont have adb download and Install from here
    2. You need to android phone that have given root access to adb. If you can't give root access download and install supersu. Click Here for INstallation Guide

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    1. Im not Responsible if anything happen's to your device.

    2. It is a very Lengthy and Risky step so newbies will Find it somewhat difficult.

    3. This requires rooting your device. Rooting will be a threat to your warranty.

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    1) Download the Attachments Given Below
    2) Extract the Files to a Directory
    3) Now press Windows Key + R and type cmd Then run it.
    4) Now connect your phone to pc with usb cable.
    5) Make Sure that you have enabled USB DEBUGGING MODE. else Enable it.
         (If you don't know how to enable GOOGLE IT :p )
    6) After that type in cmd adb devices.
    7) Now it will list your device name.
    8) Now move the directory you've extracted the rar file.
        (for example if extracted it on e:\ce. Then in cmd type e: then type cd ce)
    9) Now in cmd Type adb root. So that adb can access the root files.
    10) Now in cmd type adb remount. So that adb can remount.
    11) Make sure that your phone has x86 architecture
          (Don't Know how to find that? Google has Everything)
          if you have x86 architecture follow the next steps
    12) Type in cmd adb push ceserver_x86 /system/xbin   (if you have bin folder then ....../system/bin)
    13) Then type adb push ceserver_x86_nopie /system/xbin (if you have bin folder then .. / system/bin)
    14) Type adb push /system/xbin
    15) After That adb install cheat.apk
    16) Then type adb shell
    17) Then type cd /system/xbin (if you have bin folder then /system/bin)
    18) then type chmod 777 ceserver_x86
    19) type chmod 777 ceserver_x86_nopie
    20) type chmod 777
    21) Download The android terminal from playstore
    21) Open it and type cd /system/xbin
    22) type ceserver_x86
    23) Open Cheat Engine 6.5 and click on Network Then connect and then close it.
    24) Open cmd type adb shell 
    25) Then type cd /system/xbin
    26) Then type ceserver_x86
    27) Take cheat Engine Click on Computer Icon and Select Network then Connect
    28) Select the process
    29) Select Value type as String and Type locked and Press Scan
    30) Now you'll see the address select them all using shift and put it to the address list.
    31) Press Ctrl + A to select all address and Change the value to equip.

    Finally Finished EveryTHing is UNlocked.

    Now its time to enjoy.

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    Cheat Engine 6.5 (Scroll Down and Download CHeat engine 6.5)
    Android Terminal Emulator

    ------------------------------------------------------THE END----------------------------------------------------

    Comments system